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Day of the Dead Oaxaca 2023: Live Calendar! / ¡Día de los Muertos Oaxaca 2023: Carteleras en Vivo!

¡Bienvenidos a nuestra guía en línea para las celebraciones del Día de los Muertos en Oaxaca!  Welcome to our online guide to Day of the Dead celebrations in Oaxaca! Te mantendremos al tanto de una variedad de actividades desde las tradicionales, hasta adaptaciones o fiestas modernas, tanto gratuitas como con costo. Queremos que tengas acceso a todo con actualizaciones constantes. We will keep you up to date on a variety of activities from traditional ones to adaptations or modern parties, both free and paid. We want you to have access to everything with constant updates . ¡Prepárate para vivir la magia del Día de los Muerto en Oaxaca! Get ready to experience the magic of Day of the Dead in Oaxaca! ACTIVIDADES / EVENTS   IMPORTANTE: Los carteles pueden contener más de un evento y se colocan en la fecha del primero de ellos. IMPORTANT: Posters may contain more than one event and are placed on the date of the first of them. CALENDARIOS GENERALES: 1 DE NOVIEMBRE /  N...

Apple Vision: A New Era of Augmented Reality

Apple has finally announced its long-awaited augmented reality (AR) glasses, called Apple Vision. The glasses are expected to be released in 2023 and will be a major player in the AR market. 

 Apple Vision features a number of impressive capabilities, including: 

  • Head-up display: The glasses will project a transparent display onto the user's field of view, allowing them to see information without having to look away from their surroundings. 

  • Voice control: The glasses will be controlled by voice commands, allowing users to interact with them without having to fumble with buttons or touch screens. 
  • Spatial awareness: The glasses will be able to track the user's surroundings and provide information about objects and people in their environment. 
  • Camera: The glasses will have a built-in camera that can be used for taking photos and videos, as well as for augmented reality experiences. 

Apple Vision is a significant step forward for AR technology. The glasses are more powerful and user-friendly than previous AR headsets, and they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. 

 Google Glasses: A Cautionary Tale 

Google was one of the first companies to develop AR glasses. The company released its first version of Google Glass in 2013, but it was met with mixed reviews. Some people praised the glasses for their potential, while others criticized them for being intrusive and a potential privacy hazard. 

Google eventually discontinued Google Glass in 2015. The company cited low sales and privacy concerns as the reasons for the discontinuation. 

Why Apple Vision Will Be a Success 

There are a number of reasons why Apple Vision is likely to be more successful than Google Glass.

  •  Apple's brand: Apple is one of the most popular and respected brands in the world. This gives Apple Vision a significant advantage over other AR headsets. 
  • Apple's track record: Apple has a long history of success in the wearables market. The company's smartwatches and AirPods are some of the most popular wearable devices on the market. 
  • Apple's ecosystem: Apple has a strong ecosystem of products and services that work together seamlessly. This will make it easy for users to integrate Apple Vision into their daily lives. 

Apple Vision is a significant development in the AR market. The glasses have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. Apple's brand, track record, and ecosystem give Apple Vision a good chance of success.
